Thursday, August 26, 2010

How far we've come

A year ago at this time, Hayden was in the hospital and dealing with some nasty food issues. We had just finished an intense treatment phase, which made his blood counts bottom out, which made his temperature skyrocket. No fun. Fast forward 365 days and, while Hayden's counts aren't exactly stellar, his overall progress certainly is. That's the head space I was in last week during Hayden's hockey camp. It's the first time he ever had a stick on the ice and I had mixed feelings about it, especially after I dropped him off (at 7:45 AM!) on the first day. All of the other kids had played before. They all had fancy rolling bags and water bottles (like the rookie I am, I sent Hayden with a juice box). I don't know if he noticed that but I left feeling sooooo nervous for him. Thankfully, he was on the same team as a friend from tae kwon do. It's a coincidence of the highest magnitude that this friend was also in the same Mini-U camp a few weeks ago...must be a good omen.

On the final day of camp, parents were invited to watch the game. Well, when I saw him on the ice it took me a few minutes to get my emotions und
er control. I couldn't help but think back to a time when we had to force him to get out of bed and walk a few agonizing steps. And there he was with his equipment on looking so damn big, curls poking out the bottom of his helmet, and playing hockey! I'm watering up just thinking about it. I'm so proud of him for doing this, despite the fact that all of the other kids are clearly more advanced (and bigger!). He stuck with it and has every intention of playing this winter. I can't wait to be a hockey mom.

Then and now...

First day of grade 3 (Sept. 2009)

9th birthday (July 2010)

Along the lines of celebrating progress, we'll be attending a party this weekend for a good friend who has just completed his leukemia treatments. That's it - all done! Jesse's 8 years old and, although we met him through CancerCare, he attends the same school as Hayden. Congrats Jesse!!! We're so happy for you!

1 comment:

The Hantscher's said...

Way to go Hayden - can't wait to watch you play this winter. Dane straps on the skates tomorrow for his camp. You guys are amazing!!!
The Hantschers