Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Neutrophils at twilight

We celebrated Hayden's rebounded blood counts in the usual way - lots of public outings. His neutrophils are at 1.12 so he headed straight out to spend up the gift cards he received for his birthday and catch a show. We saw the latest Twilight movie, Eclipse. Yikes! The 'talk' between Bella and her father raised a few questions in my young son's head. I promised to explain after the movie but, so far, it hasn't come up. That's almost scarier than the Paranormal Activity 2 trailer.

So we're back at 50% chemo doses, which is where he previously maintained good blood counts. Plus today Hayden visited the PDU to get methotrexate via a lumbar puncture (this is now quarterly rather than monthly) and vincristine via his Iron Man port. And he started his monthly stretch of steroids - but this time I was thinking ahead and asked for a big hug before I gave him his first pill. That outta get me through the next 5 days.

Hockey camp starts next week. More to come...

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