Wednesday, September 22, 2010

New starts

Grade 4 is off to a good start for Hayden. And after (another!) 2-week break from chemo, he's re-started his meds. Dr. Stoffman refers to him as the crash kid because his blood cell count nosedives so easily - he's now at 25% of the regular dose for methotrexate. He really can't go much lower. The other meds are still at 50% (fingers crossed). The idea is to get as much chemo in before March 24, 2012 as possible so these breaks are disconcerting. However, there's comfort in knowing that if the chemo is attacking regular blood cells, the bad guys aren't getting in either.

Another new start - hockey! woo hoo! Hayden's 4th 'tryout' session is on Friday. If you're at the Dakota arena, you'll recognize me as the cornball standing in the back with a relentless grin. All of the kids look so big, and powerful, and healthy. I guess if you spend enough time around the kids' CancerCare clinic, you come to appreciate the simple things. I have to keep myself from cheering when 'the other team' scores...hehehe...such a cornball but I love it. All of the parents who know H have seen him at his worst and they are all very excited to see him on the ice. Hopefully, they'll also understand when Hayden takes his first hit and I climb over the glass...hehehe...joking!

So Hayden's started school, chemo, and's time for me to get a job. I've ramped up my search efforts and I'm looking forward (actually eager to start?!) my next adventure. I'm also volunteering at The Rainbow Society and Co-Chairing the Parent Advisory Council at H's school.

What else...well, H is about to lose his first molar (ugh). Is that normal?! So gross. When he was little he begged me to pull a lose front tooth because it was bothering him when he ate. It didn't come on the first yank...quite honestly, I've never been the same since. We're going to the dentist tomorrow, which means a round of penicillin for H (and maybe some Valium for Mom?). After everything we've been through, this is what really turns my stomach. Go figure.

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