Thursday, August 5, 2010

Still no chemo

Last week's blood test revealed that Hayden's counts are climbing but he's still neutropenic (low neutrophil count so compromised immune system). So still no's been a nice break but it's definitely time to get back in the game. We go again next Tuesday for another blood test. Surely by then Hayden's counts will be high enough to re-start chemo. Surely Dr. Stoffman will lower the chemo dose so his counts don't nosedive again. Shirley and Lavern had the best theme song in tv history.

1 comment:

Fraz said...

Hmm, that last statement is a contentious one. Agreed that L&S was awesome, but Simon & Simon was too, as was the closing song for WKRP in Cincinnati. Fingers crossed that the midiclorians/neutrophils are higher this week.