Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Let's get it on

After a too-long but highly-enjoyable timeout, we are back in the game. Hayden's blood counts easily passed the minimums to start the Interim Maintenance (IM) treatment phase today. So he received meds intravenously at the clinic and tomorrow is a spinal injection. The injection thing sounds bad but it's just another trip to the pediatric day unit (PDU) and he's asleep for the procedure. As I said in an earlier post, it's bizarre to think of the things that have become 'normal'.

We're keeping a close eye on Hayden's nausea and tummy issues. This just started today so it can't be chemo-related (it's too soon!). We did however stop a med that, among other things, enhances his appetite. We'll see how it goes...may be re-thinking that. <>

There are a lot of conflicting emotions about re-starting chemo...we hate the side-effects but we hate the cancer more. The sooner we get through the treatments, the better life will be. Starting now, we've got 2 months of IM ahead so it's time to put our game face on.

Funny story - I was talking to Tom on the phone about Hayden and reluctantly (because H was listening) I mentioned that he was a bit moody earlier with his Grandma. H asked what moody meant so I explained that it's when you can't decide if you're happy or sad. While he quietly reflected on that (and I started feeling badly), I added that he couldn't help it. Still no response. So I asked, "How do you feel right now?" He replied, "Good...no wait...bad...nope good..."

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