Thursday, April 2, 2009

Mostly sunny skies with scattered barthiness

After a bit of a rocky start to the IM treatment phase, things are leveling out. Hayden was not feeling too well when he first re-started chemo on Tuesday (IV) and Wednesday (spinal and thigh injections). He had barthy bouts (even in the middle of the night), which lasted until Sunday. By Monday though he was feeling better and ready to enjoy spring break. And, seeing as his blood counts finally rebounded, he was able to go out to public places…shopping, movies, and other 'everyday' stuff that we haven't been able to do in a long time. His appetite is on the low side of normal, but he’s looking good and in great spirits.

Spring Break Highlights

- Tom scoured the city for an orange bike (with gears! and a front shock!) so when he found it, we all went down to Canadian Tire to pick it up. Hayden was so excited!

Spending time with Grandma
- Hayden’s Grandmas took turns spoiling him and he totally loved it.

More shopping
- Toys r Us, Chapters, and even Costco…he made out like a bandit.

We're back at the clinic tomorrow for blood tests and an Iron Man shot of chemo. I'll post results soon...

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