Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Bone Marrow Results

It's fine...the doctor and pathologist didn't see any leukemia, and blood cell counts are trending up. In other words, they saw exactly what they expected (all good!) so we hold tight until next Tuesday's clinic visit and blood test.

Today's bone marrow procedure went OK until it was time for a new nurse to remove Hayden's port access. He asked her if I could take it out but she pretty much yanked it (without removing the tape) while he was talking. He yelled 'That friggin hurt!' loud enough for the whole ward to hear. Then he let her have it...and I totally backed him when she responded with 'well, you should've told me'. She apologized and said that she didn't realize it was a new kind of clip, but Hayden knew exactly how it should be done and was really trying to tell her. I feel bad that I didn't ask her to step back and listen to him...that won't happen again.

Clearly, it wasn't the short-lived ouch that angered him - it was because she didn't follow the routine and totally disregarded him. And when he's right, he's right...I wasn't about to talk him out of it. I doubt this episode will taint his attitude for future PDU visits but he will be oh-so vigilant next time. Yep, that's our boy.

The puncture wound was a little tender for a while but he managed to later slay mom in a lightsaber fight and get down to 'Kung Fu Fighting' with dad. I'd say he's over it.

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