Saturday, April 11, 2009

Just like riding a bike

What is this...spring? I really, really, really hope so.

We had a blast on Thursday when we rented a kids' theme room at the CanadInns and hung out at the pool/water slides. Hayden and cousin Chandler really enjoyed it - great way to kick off the long weekend. When we got home, we pulled out H's old (smaller!) bike to see how he would do. He wore the usual precautionary helmet, along with elbow pads, knee pads, and cycling gloves (not kidding) because we were worried that his lack of balance and strength might send him into the ditch (should've had him in a life jacket!). But he did great and made it further than we expected so we'll be taking the new orange bike on it's maiden voyage today.

Yesterday's 2/3-triathlon (swimming and cycling) really sucked out H so, after a 2-hour nap, we spent a quiet night on the couch watching Survivior. For the rest of the weekend, we're looking forward to family dinners and, of course, lots of Easter Bunny droppings.

Hayden's appetite is returning but his keen (maybe distorted?) sense of taste and smell really make eating an adventure for all of us. But we're finding enough options to keep him looking good. Plus, his hair is coming back in! I'll try to upload some pics this weekend.

Happy Easter from all of us!

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