Thursday, June 3, 2010

Just the facts

I's post will NOT make you cry.

Hayden's neutrophil count on Tuesday was .79. It's on the low side, likely because Dr. Stoffman once again increased some of his chemo meds. Hayden's chemo is a cocktail of 5 or so drugs - he takes some orally at least once a day, plus monthly(ish) via his Iron Man port and lumbar puncture. The plan in the maintenance treatment phase is to give the maximum amount that his body will tolerate. That's why they watch his blood counts so closely - especially infection-fighting neutrophils (a type of white blood cell). So they'll keep increasing one or more of the meds to see if his counts stay in the optimal range. If not, we have to wait until they come back up, then try a different mix. No two kids metabolize drugs the same way so it's a trial-and-error thing. Hayden, however, continues to baffle his doctor with bouncing counts. Of course, a simple cold can throw everything out of whack so there are a lot of factors in play. Even though his neutrophils are on the low side right now, we're staying the course on the meds and testing again in 2 weeks.

Kids Fishing For A Cure is this weekend! Yay! This is a great event...and Hayden can enjoy it more this year because he's feeling MUCH better. He's looking forward to hanging out with his clinic buddies and we've asked for Captain Rory again. Can't wait to introduce him to the real H-Dawg (vs. the roid monster he met last year). Maybe we'll even with a big-bass trophy.

Happy, happy, happy. tears.

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