Tuesday, November 17, 2009

In training

Hayden is doing all that he can to prepare to take on Darth Vader in Florida. He practiced his lightsaber moves outside last weekend and on the previous Wednesday during the Remembrance Day off from school - probably put in 45 minutes at a time. Plus he's back at the gym. He's in private lessons right now to catch up with the rest of his tae kwon do class, which he'll likely rejoin next week. Yes, he's feeling good...probably due in no small part to normal blood counts.

Today's blood test put Hayden's neutrophil count at 1.88 - woo hoo! So we're inching up one of his chemo meds (mercaptopurine), from 50% to 75%. It's the other chemo med (methotrexate) that drops his counts so hopefully this increase won't be a problem. Hayden returns to the CancerCare clinic on Friday for his second H1N1 shot...then we'll all be fully vaccinated up.

For those who are keeping track, we are approaching the 1-year mark in our battle against cancer. We took H to the doctor on Monday, November 17. Technically, the 18th is the day Hayden was diagnosed because it's when his blood work was done (coincidentally by the son of a family friend), but we got the call to come in on November 19th. We're unsure about how to celebrate this milestone...or if we should. Part of me thinks 'hell ya!' because we have come so far and are currently in a good place. The other part is...shall we say...cautiously optimistic. In the end, I think it's more important to celebrate moments. For example, I almost tear up when I see him bounce down the driveway toward the bus stop because I remember the months when it was a real struggle for him. I worried every morning about what the day might hold for him at school. And those were the good times when he was well enough to climb the school bus stairs.

There are daily reminders of little victories...I celebrate them often.

1 comment:

Fraz said...

One year down is an ENORMOUS victory! Celebrate HUGE!! Congratulations on getting through it together and with everyone still in one (very strong) piece.