Tuesday, November 3, 2009

And back down we go

Are you as tired of reading about neutrophils as I am of writing about them? Sheesh...

Today's blood test put Hayden's ANC at .6 - yup, back down below the neutropenia clounds again. But today we started another 5-day pulse of steroids (prednasone) so that will likely push his counts back up. He also got vincristine at the clinic via his Iron Man port so the laxatives enter back into the picture for a bit. Add nightly doses of chemo (methotrexate and mercaptopurine) and the kid is a pill-gobbling machine. On weekends we add septra!

Hayden's at 50% chemo now and we'll try that for a bit. We'll get a brief reprieve from the clinic - no appointments next week (yay!). We were there twice last week but the Friday visit was to attend the Halloween party - it was great. Add that huge bag of candy to the loot he collected on Saturday, and he's got more than he can consume in a year.

I'll once again end this post with a promise to post some pics...are you as tired of hearing that promise as I am of making it? Probably not...I've got way more over-promises in me...hehehehe

PS: Tom and Hayden got their flu shots in before the well ran dry. I, on the other hand, did not....yet.

PPS: The 1-year anniversary looms near...can't stop thinking about it. A freakin'year! Ugh.

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