Saturday, February 21, 2009

Hell I would

Introducing the first-ever ‘Hell I Would’ list.

The concept is simple – take a common rule, then trash it by starting the conflicting statement with ‘Hell, I would…’.

You’re not allowed to play video games unless they’re rated E for everyone.

Hell, I would have brought Grand Theft Auto to the hospital during the induction phase if it made him smile.

No swearing.

Hell, I would probably curse a blue streak if I saw another nurse coming at me with a needle.

No running in the house.

Hell, I would smash every vase to see you skidding out as you round the corner at top speed.

You can’t have candy for breakfast.

Hell, I would dip his Webkinz in syrup, roll it in sprinkles, and serve it on a chocolate platter if he could get it down and keep it down.

Say no to drugs

Hell, I would bake the brownies myself if I thought it would help.

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