Thursday, February 12, 2009

Gained 2 lbs...a step in the right direction

Not something I would typically celebrate but in Hayden’s case, it’s a good thing. He’s still having tummy issues and the occasional barth but, as of Tuesday’s clinic visit, he is up two pounds (woo hoo!). His blood count test showed he was still low, including neutrphils (a type of white blood cell that helps fight infection), which means his immune system is still compromised. His red blood cell count was also really low. In fact, Dr. Stoffman was amazed that he had so much energy...but that came to a screeching halt on Wednesday. So he stayed home from school that morning, and then had a blood transfusion in the afternoon. Today was the Valentine’s Day party (no school tomorrow) so he was glad he didn’t miss that.

We are creeping up on the 3-month anniversary of Hayden’s diagnosis. Do I dare reflect on all that’s happened? What’s to come? Oooiiiyyy….not today…it’s Thursday after all and the season premiere of Survivor! We are big fans. It’s time to make our picks.

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