Sunday, November 7, 2010

The first Falcon game

It's official - Hayden is a full-fledged Falcon. They won their first hockey game on Friday - 7 to 2. The stands were filled with family and friends who came out to watch Hayden's debut. It was very exciting...but I'm sure the other spectators thought we were nuts (they likely don't know about Hayden's illness). I talked to one parent who said her son started at age 5, and the other kids were skating circles around him. Yikes. Hayden is 9. But he is loving it. He doesn't have great stamina and his skating (actually stopping) needs a little work but aside from that, he looks like any other kid out there. It was a great night.

Hayden had another blood test at the clinic on Tuesday. His counts are good!! Not stellar but totally acceptable numbers - across the board, including neutrophils! So we are holding steady on chemo doses...except for a small increase to account for his age/weight. On Wednesday, he had his quarterly spinal injection of vincristine and he started his monthly 5-day pulse of steroids. So far, so good. No major eruptions but the poor kid is really dragging his butt...even more than when his counts are low. So we'll be keeping an eye on that and maybe taking him back for an unscheduled clinic appointment next week.

More to come...

1 comment:

Drew_G said...

Hi Cindy can you send your current email address to me at ''? I think your old Yahoo address is no longer valid? Thanks! Drew