Sunday, December 6, 2009

Roller coaster

You'd think I'm referring to the kind that we'll soon see in Orlando but nope, this is a roller coaster of the emotional variety. Hayden's 5-day pulse of steroids started on Wednesday so by Friday he was up and down, all over the place. One minute he's bouncing off the walls, the next he's crying because he doesn't want rice with supper. Video games become an exercise in frustration, wii-motes nearly become projectiles.

The roid rage, which isn't nearly as bad as the longer stretches of dex that we did in the induction phase, still catches us a little off-guard. Once we tune in though, Hayden's pretty good at recognizing the swings and managing his emotions...and getting better all the time. On a positive note, the prednasone increases his appetite. It can be a real challenge to find things he will eat because his sense of taste is distorted from the chemo (and changing all the time) but, on steroids, he can put some good quantities down.

Maybe instead of getting Mickey Mouse ears in Disney, we'll get him devil horns for his 5-day stretches of steroids...that way, everyone will be warned.

1 comment:

Fraz said...

Another positive: when he's older he'll understand PMS really well and will be an awesome boyfriend.