Sunday, August 23, 2009

Understatements....way under

Understatement #1 - Hayden hates being in the hospital...even great nurses and doctors can't change that.

Understatement #2 - Hayden is all out of suck-it-up...just a little grumpy (yikes!).

Understatement #3 - He has major food/barthing issues...he gets a bit anxious when he thinks about food.

Actually, the anxiety isn't just caused by food - oral meds, drinks, anything can get him pretty worked up. He hasn't barthed in days (perhaps many of them, I don't remember) but he says he feels nauseous at the thought of putting anything back. So we're breaking out the olanzapine again. It's a double-duty drug that alleviates anxiety and increases appetite. Dr. Eisenstat says that it's typically used with teenagers who are fighting cancer but Hayden is quite mature and very aware of what's going on. He's the second doctor to say that...sigh...

Understatement # 4 - Cancer sucks...that's a 5-star understatement.

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